Why Air Quality Testing Is a Must Before Buying a Home

June 29, 2021 5:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you in the market for a new home? While home inspections usually cover the basics, including structural, electrical and other concerns, not every inspection includes an air quality test. It’s important to choose a home inspector who’s able to test major features of the home as well as perform air quality testing. Here are five important indoor air quality tests you should perform before buying a home.


A house full of allergens isn’t pleasant to live in, especially for those who are prone to allergies or asthma. One of the benefits of conducting air quality testing before buying a home is that you can easily spot the allergens that are present, including pet dander, dust mites, rodents and more. While the presence of allergens generally shouldn’t disqualify a property, it does give you an idea of what you need to target if you choose to install indoor air cleaners to reduce allergens.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are harmful chemicals that cause a whole host of health problems, including migraines. Everyone buying a home should have the air tested for VOCs. This can detect whether the previous homeowner built or remodeled using harmful products. If VOCs are present, you can determine what steps to take next.


An indoor air quality test for asbestos is really only applicable if you’re looking to move into an older home. Generally, homes built before 1980 should be tested for asbestos. Asbestos is an outdated but effective form of insulation that’s very harmful to humans, in some cases causing lung cancer. If you’re moving into a home built before 1980, you should have an air quality test for asbestos performed before closing day. Asbestos remediation isn’t cheap, making the discovery of asbestos a legitimate reason to continue your search for a different house. That said, you may be able to work with the seller to have remediation performed before you move in.


Radon is incredibly harmful to your health, and breathing it contributes to the development of lung cancer. It’s a colorless and odorless gas, which means you won’t even know you’re breathing it if it’s present in your house. Indoor air quality tests will pinpoint the level of radon in the home. Again, if radon is present, it’s best to continue your home search, or factor remediation into your negotiations with the seller.


Many homeowners use pesticides to rid their homes of household pests like spiders, termites and mice. Pesticides can linger after application, condensing on household dust and surfaces within the house. If tests show high levels of pesticides, there’s generally not a lot that needs to be done other than a thorough cleaning, as well as providing adequate ventilation in the space.

Professional indoor air quality tests are quick and easy safeguards to protect the health of your family as you move into a new property. It’s especially important when you’re buying a home and you’re concerned about the chemicals that may be present indoors. Contact HealthSafe Inspections Inc. to learn more about how indoor air quality tests can give you peace of mind before closing on a new home.

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