Lead in Your Home
November 21, 2022 12:00 am Leave your thoughtsIf you have children lead in your home presents a health hazard. Children are especially vulnerable to lead because it can easily enter their bodies due to it collecting on toys, the soil, and other parts of their environment. What to know about lead in the home is that it is a common hazard in homes built before 1978, however, age is not the only source of lead in a residence. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
Lead Testing Considerations
Consider testing for lead if your home was built before 1978 or is near a freeway or road, which could have caused lead exposure due to vehicle exhaust.
For homes built before 1978, consider testing if:
- The paint is peeling or chipping.
- There is exposed or bare soil in the yard area.
- You are planning to remodel or repaint your home.
- Medical testing has shown your children have been exposed to lead.
- Your home was constructed before 1950. Lead-based paint is nearly a guarantee due to the prevalence of this type of paint in that period.
Legal Aspects
- Do note that when renting or buying a property, federal law requires the seller to provide information on any known lead hazards you may be exposed to.
- When buying a property, you have 10 days to test for lead as the buyer (this typically does not cover renting).
- The National Lead Information Center can be reached at 1-800-424-LEAD and can provide useful information about laws and offer paperwork explaining how to protect yourself and your family.
Lead Testing
How to test for lead at home involves two common methods.
- A laboratory can test samples telling you about any lead content within 48 hours on average. Samples should be taken from around your home, including paint and soil samples. Paint should be collected from the framework, trim, siding, cabinets, and baseboards. Soil should be sampled from around your home’s foundation, pathways, play areas, under exterior windows, and areas near traffic or by the road.
- The second method to test for lead content is to hire a professional. A state-certified inspector or assessor can test your home of lead on-site and provide an assessment report informing you of any danger and possible solution. Before hiring an assessor, always get a few estimates to get the best value for your money.
Final Thoughts
If you do discover lead in your home, the next steps involve blood testing for your family to check for any health concerns and addressing the lead sources on your property. State-certified contractors can provide the work you need to remodel your home and remove any lead sources, such as old paint.
Categorised in: Lead Testing
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