Signs You Have Been Exposed to Black Mold
July 5, 2022 12:00 am Leave your thoughtsBlack mold can be greenish in color and grows on paper products, wood, and cotton. Sometimes it can produce toxic chemicals released in fungus fragments and airborne spores. If eaten, they are dangerous. Additionally, people are at a high risk of allergies, asthma, and other hypersensitivities if exposed to black mold. To find out if you have been exposed to mold, there are various symptoms of mold exposure you should be aware of.
Symptoms of Mold Exposure
First, there is no evidence that suggests that black mold causes symptoms such as memory loss, fatigue, headache, or inability to focus. These are symptoms that have been referred to as toxic mold syndrome. Regardless, mold should always be removed from your home once found since some people can be allergic to it.
Mold can cause various symptoms even in people who are not allergic to it and are just exposed to it for an extended period of time. Are you asking “How to tell if I have been exposed to mold?” There are symptoms to watch out for, including:
- Post nasal drip
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Scaly, dry skin
- Itchy nose, eyes, or throat
- Nasal congestion
If you have asthma, you should be extra careful since exposure to mold can trigger an asthma attack. Symptoms of a mold-induced asthma attack include:
- Shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness
- Coughing
Causes of Black Mold
Mold is responsible for decomposing dead plants and animals. If the conditions are right, all types of mold will grow and spread quickly, including:
- Moisture level or humidity is at or above 70%
- Oxygen
- Temperatures that range from 40 to 100 degrees F
- Adequate food sources, including drywall
Mold can grow anywhere in your home if the conditions are just right. Some of the places where mold is likely to grow are:
- Basements where humidity levels are higher
- Anywhere where a water leak is present
- Rooms that are damp without adequate ventilation, including bathrooms
- Areas with a lot of water condensation
- Areas where flooding has occurred
Removing Mold
The best thing you can do is protect yourself. If you find mold in your house, there is no need to have it tested. However, you should definitely get rid of it, regardless of the type of mold it is. Prior to removing mold, you should take the proper precautions to protect yourself.
Always use an N-95 face mask to avoid breathing in mold spores. Use gloves to protect your handles and goggles to protect your eyes without any ventilation holes.
Once you find the mold, destroy it by removing its water source. Mold is unable to grow without moisture. Additionally, be careful when using bleach. Avoid mixing bleach with any other household cleaner. Always be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions on bleach and other cleaning products. Open your windows to allow fresh air in when using bleach. Always wear rubber gloves, boots, and goggles to keep your eyes and skin protected from the bleach.
Categorised in: Mold
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