How to Protect Yourself from Poor Air Quality from Wildfire Smoke

August 26, 2020 9:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As summer comes to a close, those of us in the West know that this means an annual ritual is now likely to be upon us: the wildfires that rage every year due to a variety of causes. They have unfortunately become a part of our lives at this point, and will likely continue to be one for the foreseeable future, so it’s in everyone’s best interest to be ready and to understand the effects of wildfire smoke in Aspen, CO.

Below, we provide some quick tips about how you can better protect your family against its worst impacts. We encourage all of our customers to conduct more research on their own as well.

Who should worry about wildfire smoke?

The short answer is that wildfire smoke in Aspen, CO is something that everyone should take seriously—sustained exposure to smoke isn’t good for any person, and it can cause serious health problems. However, these problems can be exacerbated in certain demographics. For example, people with preexisting heart or lung conditions can be at significantly higher risk for the ill effects of smoke, as can older adults who are already at risk for developing these conditions. Additionally, children’s airways are still developing, and they require proportionally more air than adults do, so they too can be seriously affected by wildfire smoke.

Follow the news

When a wildfire is approaching your area, you can help ensure your family’s safety by getting as much information as you can about what’s in store. Wildfire smoke in Aspen, CO can be more or less severe depending on a number of factors, so be sure you’re constantly checking local air quality reports ( is a great resource). These will give you insight into the risk factors associated with an approaching fire, as will local visibility guides that monitor the amount of particles swirling around in the air at any given time. Learning as much as possible about the strength of the fire can help you make your next decisions.

How to stay safe indoors

If you’re indoors and can still feel and smell the effects of a wildfire, even a distant one, there are some safety measures you can take. In order to protect against wildfire smoke in Aspen, CO, you can start by keeping the air indoors as clean as possible. Do this by keeping all entry points (like windows and doors) closed. You can run the air conditioner, but close off the fresh-air intake and be sure you’re keeping the filter as clean as possible. If you’re not fortunate enough to have an air conditioner, then it may be time to shelter well away from the fire.

If your home has been impacted by a wildfire, the team at HealthSafe Inspections Inc. is ready to help you get back on your feet thanks to our home safety, inspection and disaster recovery services. Even if your house didn’t burn, the effects of a fire can still be felt in ash and smoke, so our cleanup and remediation services can come to the rescue and help your family’s life get back to normal. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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