What Indoor Pollutants Should You Be Aware Of?

July 2, 2019 11:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It might be of some surprise to you to learn that the most common air quality problems in the United States all have to do with indoor air, rather than polluted air outside. These tend to be particularly prevalent in residential settings. There are a variety of common indoor air pollutants and issues that can have a negative long-term impact on human health, not to mention the lack of comfort associated with dealing with the staleness and odors in the air that are associated with those conditions.

Here are just a few examples of some of the most common indoor air pollutants you should be aware of, and some strategies you can take to mitigate their effects.


Moisture is one of the most common and potentially most harmful detractors from indoor air quality, as it not only will affect your own personal health, but also the condition of your home. When warm, humid air encounters a cool surface, condensation will form. As moisture collects in your home, it attracts certain types of pests, and can lead to the formation of mildew and mold, all of which can cause asthma, allergies and destruction of certain types of building materials. The moisture doesn’t just have to come from condensation, either—it can be a result of leaks in your plumbing, or from water seeping through the foundation or through leaks in the roof.

You can fight against this problem by taking measures to reduce your indoor humidity, using air conditioning and dehumidifiers. You should also be sure to address any leaks as you notice them.


Radon is a type of radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the soil. It comes into buildings through the ground. Radon exposure is actually the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States behind smoking. The amount of radon you can expect varies from region to region. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to control radon, which include the use of small fan and ventilation systems to reduce soil gas pressure and pull it up through vents in the roof. You should call for radon testing in Aspen, CO if you’re concerned that you might be dealing with radon exposure.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

VOCs include a wide range of substances that, in their evaporated state, can cause some serious health issues. For example, formaldehyde can be emitted from building materials and certain types of furnishings, gasoline can evaporate in the garage, pesticides can evaporate in areas where they’re stored and even certain odors and evaporated substances in the kitchen can be problematic. While many VOCs are inconveniences or nuisances, there are some that can be threatening to your health.


Smoking, obviously, is hazardous to your health, but there are other types of combustion byproducts that can be harmful as well. Gas-fired appliances produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, so improper venting can be problematic. Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous because it has no color or odor, so if you do not have a working CO detector in your home, you won’t be alerted to its presence.

For more information about common indoor air quality issues, or to schedule an appointment for radon testing in Aspen, CO, reach out to HealthSafe Inspections Inc. today.

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