Do Air Purifiers Really Work? Let’s Look at Four Myths About Air Purifiers

January 17, 2019 8:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Experts in radon consulting in Aspen, CO get a lot of questions from clients regarding home air purification systems. Do they actually work? Which ones are the best? How well do they clean the air? To get a better understanding, let’s take a look at four common myths about the capabilities of air purifiers.

Myth #1: Using an air purifier means you don’t need to dust anymore

The first thing people assume about air purifiers is that these devices will suck dust off of indoor surfaces just like a vacuum. This is simply not true. In fact, you still have to dust furniture and vacuum the floors regularly even when using an air purifier. The fan in the purifier is not made to pull dust in and hold it. If it could do this, the fan would be so powerful that the dust in your house would get kicked up, and allergy sufferers would be extra miserable! Help your air purifier be as effective and efficient as it can be by using microfiber dust cloths and a HEPA vacuum cleaner on a weekly basis.

Myth #2: Running your air purifier at any speed is fine

One of the most misunderstood facts about air purifiers is their efficiency at certain speed settings. Many users decide to run their purifiers at a lower speed to avoid hearing fan noise. The reality is that this ends up reducing the square footage your air purifier is able to effectively treat. You can purchase an air purifier with fans setup to run at high speeds that produce little noise. If you don’t get this type of air purifier, the pros recommend you turn your purifier up to the high setting a couple hours before your bedtime. Before turning in for the night, set it to run on the low setting all night.

Myth #3: Air purifiers will prevent allergies

Like allergy medications, air purifiers are another option in your quest to control your allergy symptoms. Purifiers are great at improving indoor air quality, but they cannot catch 100 percent of the pollen and other particles. Some pollen will make it to floors, furniture or your clothing before the air purifier is able to catch it, which is why allergy sufferers will still need to be proactive, even with an air purifier. In addition to using an air purifier, take allergy meds, use a steam cleaner, wash bedding once a week and get a dehumidifier to control mold and dust mites.

Myth #4: Air purifiers will kill germs and viruses

Although most air purifiers have ultraviolet lights in place, that doesn’t mean they can zap away all the unhealthiness in the air. So, be wary of air purifier advertisements that claim to completely remove viruses and germs from your home’s air. Invest in an air purifier with an enhanced HEPA filter sufficient enough to capture viruses, or the technology to kill airborne pathogens using a sterilizer like heat.

If you suspect that your indoor air quality could be better, call HealthSafe Inspections Inc. We are here to help with indoor air consulting and radon consulting in Aspen, CO!

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